Market Research

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RFID Market Egypt

RFID Market Research conducted for  (Radio Frequency Identification) Market including competition and key Players

Research Summary :

Key Players :

A Summary of key RFID Players and Product offering including the following companies :

OG Tech,National Technology Group,Epic Systems,Netlink Blue, EGITS,Egyptian Bureau for Engineering,Masria Card,Egy Pos,Intermec, Wireless Dynamics, Systems Engineering of Egypt SEE
Gargour Technologies,SICC,IBEX Solutions,Delta,Datus,United Group

Implementation Methodology

  • Strategic thinking
  • International players
  • opportunities evaluation
  • Market Entry strategy planning
  • International Business Planning
  • International business management structure

Research Details :

The Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) market may not be the most high profile business sector in Egypt, yet, after extensive research, we managed to clear the fog of obscurity surrounding the industry. From the outset, we wanted to get a close look at both the local competing RFID providers and the IT sector, which should serve our over-arching task of composing our own business model. Our research collects RFID company profiles in droves, in order to grasp their operating models and management structures. Amongst the biggest names in RFID, we looked at GS1 Egypt, Datum and Masria Card, all while detailing their various activities, solutions and products. Interestingly, the various RFID-related firms all dabble in a shockingly diverse range of services: GS1 Egypt, for example, achieved a foothold in healthcare, Datum has delved into warehouse and industrial solutions and Masria Card leans towards border and security control as well as transportation applications. This finding gives us the insight into the potential diversity a start up RFID firm, as its fate is not at all constrained to only one field of focus. When it comes to the state of Egypt’s IT sector, we outlined a plan to survey the fledgling sector in question. Using interviews with key active players in the industry, the findings should provide insight into direct competition, trade perception and market gaps. One should also keep in mind who this study will involve; the targeted segment will include IT experts associated with a pool of different industries, those include: Hospitality and Manufacturing, for example. We believe that what we have unearthed regarding the RFID market can invaluably serve those who plan on boldly penetrating the RFID market, which we hope we have clearly and accurately portrayed.

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Business Planning

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RFID Market Research Egypt

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